Your questions answered

Frequently Asked


Where and when is this fantastic event happening?

Caerwys, Flintshire, North Wales, CH7 5BQ.
June 13th – 16th 2024.

When can I arrive and when do I have to leave?

The campsite opens midday Thursday 13th June.
The airfield, food vendors and bar will also be open Thursday.

To maximise your stay in Wales you are welcome to stay Sunday night before moving on or heading home.

What facilities are on-site?

We have a fully functioning campsite with fresh water, toilets, an elsan for chemical disposal, hot showers and skips for your rubbish.

All live-in vehicles are welcome.
If you’re in a tent, you can camp next to your vehicle for convenience.

Sorry no electrical hook up is available.
Please refrain from using generators in the campsite, they are very anti-social.
Solar panels and inverters are wonderful inventions.

What if the forecast is not in our favour for flying?

We are UK pilots so we are well used to our plans being thwarted by the weather.

Don’t let it spoil your weekend, come anyway.
You’ll have a much better time than if you stay at home.

Parafest isn’t just about the flying.
Parafest is a great big social event for everyone.

There will be other attractions and we have the only trade exhibition for deregulated aviation in the UK.

Nowhere else you can see, touch and try all the different kit in one place and all your questions can be answered by the experts.

I want to come but it means having a domestic with my partner!

Bring them with you, bring the kids and bring the dog.
Parafest is an event the whole family can enjoy.

We’ve never had any complaints and there’s entertainment for everyone.

Can I bring my kites, bikes, football and any other toys I can think of?

Yes of course you can. You can bring anything you like for fun in the field.

OK I’m coming. How much are tickets? Where do I get them?

You only need to pay for adult tickets.
Under 18’s go free.

No extra charges for camping or vehicle parking.

All ticket information is on the ticket page located here.

All major credit/debit cards are accepted.

I still have a question and I can’t find the answer

If you have a question or require any further info please email parafest@mail.com

What People Say

  • A great weekend that every pilot should have marked in their calendar. Parafest is quickly establishing itself as an annual pilgrimage that every pilot should go to.
    – Mike Fletcher, FLYKANDY
  • A wonderful and friendly atmosphere. Parafest is the only place in the UK for the trades to exhibit and meet their customers.
    – Clive Mason, CM Paramotors
  • After being in the business for over 20 years Parafest is the best flying event I have ever been to.
    – Paul Bailey, Bailey Aviation